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Table 1 Determinants of immune reconstitution after HDIT and SCT

From: Immune ablation and stem-cell therapy in autoimmune disease Immunological reconstitution after high-dose immunosuppression and haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation

Age-dependent thymopoiesis in children versus adults [5**,6*,7,9*,10*,11]

Source of hematopoietic stem cells:

   allogeneic versus autologous [8*];

   bone marrow versus peripheral blood [8*,13,41*,42]

Mobilization protocol: G-CSF alone versus chemotherapy and G-CSF [42]

Conditioning regimen: myeloablative versus intensive

   immunosuppressive [5**]

Manipulation of graft (ex vivo T-cell depletion or CD34 enrichment)

   versus in vivo T-cell depletion versus nonmanipulation of graft


Pre- and post-transplant treatment? [43]

Underlying rheumatic disease?