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Table 1 Demographic and clinical findings in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus grouped according to their psychiatric symptoms

From: Autoantibody profile in systemic lupus erythematosus with psychiatric manifestations: a role for anti-endothelial-cell antibodies


Group Aa (n = 17)

Group Ba (n = 34)

Age (years) (mean, range)

37, 23–52

36.7, 14–70

Sex (males/females)



Disease duration (years) (mean, range)

9.6, 0.5–21

10, 0.5–24

SLEDAI (mean ± SD)

5.0 ± 5.5

5.1 ± 7.5

Neurological manifestations [no. (%)]

5 (29.4)

13 (38.2)

Cutaneous manifestations [no. (%)]

13 (76.5)

21 (61.8)

Arthritis [no. (%)]

14 (82.3)

23 (67.6)

Renal manifestations [no. (%)]

2 (11.8)

12 (35.3)

Cytopenia [no. (%)]

12 (70.6)

20 (58.8)

Serositis [no. (%)]

4 (23.5)

10 (29.4)

Prednisone [no. (%); mean mg/day]

12 (70.6); 10.0

28 (82.3); 12.3

Hydroxychloroquine [no. (%)]

5 (29.4)

16 (47)

Azathioprine [no. (%)]

4 (23.5)

8 (23.5)

Methotrexate [no. (%)]

2 (11.8)

2 (5.9)

Cyclosporin A [no. (%)]

3 (17.6)

4 (11.8)

Cyclophosphamide [no. (%)]


3 (8.8)

  1. aGroup A, patients with mood disorders and psychosis; group B, patients without psychiatric manifestations other than anxiety. Differences between the groups as measured by the chi-squared or Wilcoxon unpaired tests were not statistically significant. SLEDAI, systemic lupus erythematosus Disease Activity Index.