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Table 1 Open-ended questions of the focus group, including a brief example from Activities and Participation component

From: Validation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for chronic widespread pain from the perspective of fibromyalgia patients

Open-ended questions

If you think about your body and mind, what does not work the way it is supposed to?

If you think about your body, in which parts are your problems?

If you think about your daily life, what are your problems in this area?

   - The next area is called Mobility. This area involves everything having to do with movement. If you think about your daily life, what are your problems in this area?a

   - The next area is called self-care. If you think about your daily life, what are your problems in this area?a

   - ....

   - Can you think of anything else missing in this area regarding your daily life?

If you think about your environment and your living conditions, what do you find helpful or supportive?

If you think about your environment and your living conditions, what barriers do you experience?

  1. aThese detailed questions were used in all components for all chapters containing International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health categories in the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for CWP. CWP, chronic widespread pain.