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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of study sample (n = 404) and other Progression Subcohort members not analyzed (n = 986).

From: Evaluation of bone marrow lesion volume as a knee osteoarthritis biomarker - longitudinal relationships with pain and structural changes: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative


Study sample

mean (SD)


n (%)

Remainder of Progression subcohort1

mean (SD)


n (%)


199 (49%)

594 (60%)*

Age (years)

62.9 (9.2)

63.7 (9.0)

Weight (kg)

85.0 (15.4)

85.9 (16.4)

Height (m)

1.7 (0.1)

1.7 (0.1)

Right knee

390 (97%)


Kellgren and Lawrence grade ≥2

287 (71%)

539 (78%)*

Primarily lateral tibiofemoral OA

62 (15%)

110 (16%)

Baseline WOMAC pain score

3.3 (3.4)

4.1 (3.9)*

Baseline WOMAC pain score = 0

109 (27%)

189 (24%)

Change in WOMAC pain score

0.0 (3.0)

-0.3 (3.4)

Change in WOMAC pain score = 0

102 (25%)

174 (24%)

Total knee BML volume (baseline; cm3)

2.6 (2.7)


Total knee BML volume (change; cm3)

-0.2 (2.1)


  1. Note: 1. Numbers for the remainder of the progression subcohort may vary due to missing data. 2. For the remainder of the progression subcohort we analyzed the right knee for knee-specific outcomes. *P <0.05 for chi-square or independent-sample t tests comparing study sample to the remainders of the progression subcohort. BML, bone marrow lesion; n/a, not applicable; OA, osteoarthritis; SD, standard deviation.