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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the Spanish patients with RA included in the study

From: The ZC3HC1 rs11556924 polymorphism is associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Clinical feature

% (n/N)



Main characteristics


Age at the time of disease onset (years, mean ± SD)

50.8 ± 14.5

Follow-up (years, mean ± SD)

9.5 ± 8.1

Percentage of women


Rheumatoid factor positivea

60.6 (297/490)

Anti-CCP antibodies positive

51.9 (227/437)

Shared epitope positive

62.1 (179/288)

Extra-articular manifestationsb

21 (107/502)

Cardiovascular risk factors



22.7 (110/484)

Diabetes mellitus

6.6 (32/484)


15.1 (73/484)


9.7 (47/484)

Smoking habit

27.9 (135/484)

Patients with cardiovascular events

10.7 (54/502)

Ischemic heart disease

4.6 (23/502)

Heart failure

1.9 (10/502)

Cerebrovascular accident

3.8 (19/502)

Peripheral arteriopathy

1.2 (6/502)

  1. aAt least two determinations were required; bextra-articular manifestations of the disease (if RA patients experienced at least one of the following manifestations: nodular disease, Felty’s syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid vasculitis, or secondary Sjögren’s syndrome) [12]. Anti-CCP antibodies, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SD, standard deviation.