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Table 1 Demographic and baseline characteristics of 69 localized scleroderma (LS) subjects and 71 healthy control subjects who were included in the plasma analysis

From: Interferon-gamma inducible protein-10 as a potential biomarker in localized scleroderma


LS patients

Healthy controls

(number = 69)

(number = 71)


number (%)

number (%)


46 (66.7)

38 (54)


63 (91)



Median (IQR)

Median (IQR)

Age at plasma sample in years

12.5 (10.0 to 16.0)

3 (2.0 to 9.0)

Age at disease onset in years

9 (7.0 to 11.0)


LS subtype


  Linear scleroderma trunk/extremity

26 (37.7)


  Linear scleroderma head (En coup de sabre / Parry Romberg Syndrome)

14 (20.3)


  Mixed morphea

9 (13.0)


  Generalized morphea

8 (11.6)


  Plaque (circumscribed superficial) morphea

5 (7.2)


  Deep (circumscribed deep) morphea

4 (5.8)


  Pansclerotic morphea

1 (1.4)


Clinical measures of activity:

median (IQR)



41.0 (29.0 to 62.0)



6.0 (3.0 to 13.0)


  1. IQR, interquartile range; mLoSSI, modified Localized Scleroderma Skin Score; PGA-A, physician global assessment of activity.