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Table 1 Tibia and femur trabecular bone micro-CT data a

From: Accelerated and increased joint damage in young mice with global inactivation of mitogen-inducible gene 6 after ligament and meniscus injury



Mig-6 −/−







Trabecular BMD (g/ml)

0.579 ± 0.010

0.528 ± 0.006b

0.524 ± 0.028c

0.459 ± 0.009b,d

Trabecular thickness (mm)

0.022 ± 0.000

0.022 ± 0.001

0.020 ± 0.001

0.021 ± 0.001e,f

Number of trabeculae

5.918 ± 0.280

5.437 ± 0.405b

4.395 ± 0.744

2.545 ± 0.187g,h

Separation distance between trabeculae (mm)

0.138 ± 0.012

0.139 ± 0.004

0.242 ± 0.044

0.289 ± 0.063e

BV/TV (%)

12.473 ± 0.483

13.042 ± 0.340

8.385 ± 1.780

10.670 ± 3.765



Trabecular BMD (g/ml)

0.590 ± 0.011

0.579 ± 0.015

0.551 ± 0.019

0.533 ± 0.022

Trabecular thickness (mm)

0.025 ± 0.001

0.023 ± 0.001

0.024 ± 0.002

0.031 ± 0.001b,f

Number of trabeculae

6.214 ± 0.632

4.866 ± 0.419

3.716 ± 0.093i

4.573 ± 0.545

Separation distance between trabeculae (mm)

0.124 ± 0.009

0.158 ± 0.023

0.225 ± 0.040c

0.190 ± 0.033

BV/TV (%)

16.502 ± 1.011

10.893 ± 1.069b

11.747 ± 2.764

14.499 ± 2.678

  1. aBMD: Bone mineral density; BV/TV: Bone volume fraction (ratio of the segmented bone volume to the total volume of the region of interest); Mig-6−/−: Inactivated mitogen-inducible gene 6; WT: Wild type. Animals that were X-rayed were also used for micro-CT analysis. Data are expressed as mean ± SE. bP < 0.05 between control and surgery. cP < 0.05 between genotypes for control knees. dP < 0.01 between genotypes for surgically treated knees. eP < 0.01 between control and surgery. fP < 0.001 between genotypes for surgically treated knees. gP < 0.001 between control and surgery. hP < 0.05 between genotypes for surgically treated knees. iP < 0.01 between genotypes for control knees.