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Table 1 Demographics and baseline clinical characteristics (per-protocol set)

From: Comparison of two hyaluronic acid formulations for safety and efficacy (CHASE) study in knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, 26-week non-inferiority trial comparing Durolane to Artz





( n  = 158)

( n  = 161)

Age (years)





 Mean (standard deviation)

60.4 (7.75)

60.2 (8.06)

 Minimum; maximum

42; 78

40; 78

Sex (female)

127 (80.4)

119 (73.9)

Body mass index classification



0 (0.0)

1 (0.6)

 Normal range

76 (48.1)

81 (50.3)


69 (43.7)

65 (40.4)


13 (8.2)

14 (8.7)

Duration of disease (months)





 Mean (standard deviation)

47.7 (57.59)

47.2 (63.15)




ACR criteria


 Significant knee pain most days during the last 3 months

158 (100%)

161 (100%)

 Age >50 years

147 (93.0%)

147 (91.3%)

 Morning stiffness <30 minutes

129 (81.6%)

127 (78.9%)

 Crepitus on motion

141 (89.2%)

148 (91.9%)

Surgical history


 Intra-articular steroid injection

5 (3.2%)

5 (3.1%)

 Intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection

28 (17.7%)

36 (22.4%

 Arthroscopy and/or other surgical procedure

8 (5.1%)

4 (2.5%)

 No treatment

122 (77.2%)

118 (73.3%)

X-ray examination


 II: definite osteophyte, unimpaired joint space

95 (60.1%)

94 (58.4%)

 III: moderate diminution of joint space

63 (39.9%)

67 (41.6%)

Likert-type WOMAC subscalesa


 Pain (range 0 to 20)

9.5 (1.80)

9.4 (1.98)

 Physical function (range 0 to 68)

22.7 (8.00)

22.3 (8.38)

 Knee stiffness (range 0 to 8)

3.1 (1.77)

2.8 (1.73)

Global self-assessmentb (range 0 to 10)

4.3 (2.06)

4.3 (1.97)

  1. Data presented as number, n (%) or mean (standard deviation) unless stated otherwise. Durolane from Q-med AB (Sweden) and Artz from Seikagaku Corporation (Japan). ACR, American College of Rheumatology; WOMAC, Western Ontario McMasters University Osteoarthritis Index. aLower scores better. bHigher scores better.