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Table 4 Disease characteristics studied as determinants for clinical knee OA progression in the included studies

From: Prognostic factors for progression of clinical osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review of observational studies


Author [ref.] year

Analysis of determinant

Definition of knee OA progression

OR/RR/HR/β (95 % CI)

Association with OA prognosis*




Bruyere [13] 2005

JSN ≥0.5 mm/3 years

Knee joint surgery

RR 4.61 (1.65–12.8)


(N = 8,201)

Riddle [30] 2012

Per grade (0–4 grade scale)

Knee joint surgery

RR 2.09 (1.63–2.69)



Collins [15] 2014

K/L 3 vs K/L 2a

Severe vs no pain WOMAC pain trajectory

OR 4.3 (2.1–8.6)



Holla [21] 2014


Poor vs good outcome WOMAC-PF trajectory

OR 5.68 (2.57–12.55)



Oak [26] 2013

Baseline JSW (mm)

Decrease KOOS pain (KOOS symptom and quality of life show similar regression coefficients)

β 1.94 (1.19–2.69)



JSN over 4 years (mm)

β 2.31 (1.18–3.44)



Alschuler [9] 2013

NRS of past 7 daysa

≥20 % change in combined NRS and WOMAC-PF score

Not provided


(N = 7,558)




Not provided



Holla [21] 2014

NRS for knee paina

Poor vs good outcome WOMAC-PF trajectory

OR 1.81 (1.51–2.16)



Oak [26] 2013

Baseline KOOS value

Decrease KOOS pain (KOOS symptom and quality of life show similar regression coefficients)

β 0.49 (0.43–0.59)



Pisters [27] 2012

Per cm increase VASa

Increase in self-reported limitations (WOMAC-PF)

β 5.99 (2.90–12.4)



Sharma [34] 2003

Per 20 mm VAS increase

Progressing/remaining in poor WOMAC-PF quintiles

OR 1.48 (1.12–1.95)



Riddle [30] 2012

NRS of past 30 daysa

Knee joint surgery

RR 1.12 (1.02–1.22)


Painful knee flexion

Riddle [30] 2012

Yes vs no

Knee joint surgery

RR 1.58 (1.04–2.39)


(N = 4,670)


Joint line tenderness

Holla [21] 2014

Yes vs no

Poor vs good outcome WOMAC-PF trajectory

OR 2.63 (1.38–5.02)


(N = 5,367)

Riddle [30] 2012

Yes vs no

Knee joint surgery

RR 0.71 (0.43–1.18)


Flexion contracture

Riddle [30] 2012

Knee flexion contracture (°)

Knee joint surgery

RR 1.06 (1.02–1.11)


(N = 4,670)


Knee ROM

Holla [21] 2014

Active ROM in degrees

Poos vs good outcome WOMAC-PF trajectory

OR 0.96 (0.93–1.00)


(N = 913)

Pisters [27] 2012

Mean extension

Increase in performance-based limitations (TWT)

β 0.92 (0.86–0.98)


Hand grip strength (muscle strength)

Muraki [25] 2012

Per 1 kg strength increase

Incident knee pain at follow-up (baseline K/L ≥2)

OR 1.00 (0.98–1.02)


(N = 1,313)


Quadriceps strength

Amin [10] 2009

Low vs middle

Increase in knee specific VAS pain score

Not provided


(N = 5,151)


vs high strength

Increase in self-reported limitations (WOMAC-PF)

Not provided



Pisters [27] 2012

Continuous in Newton/kg

Increase in self-reported limitations (WOMAC-PF)

β 0.11 (0.01–1.36)



Increase in performance-based limitations (TWT)

β 0.60 (0.37–1.03)



Riddle [30] 2012

Normalized to bodyweight

Knee joint surgery

RR 0.79 (0.65–0.96)


Bone marrow lesions/edema (BMLs/BME)

Roemer [32] 2014

≥2 subregions vs 0–1

Knee joint surgery

OR 4.00 (1.75–9.16)



Grade ≥1 vs grade 0


OR 4.00 (0.85–18.84)


Scher [33] 2008

Global BME vs none

Knee joint surgery

OR 15.2 (2.38–97.1)


(N = 580)

Tanamas [35] 2010

BMLs, present vs absent

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.57 (1.04–2.35)



Medial BMLs vs absent

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.78 (1.16–2.74)



Lateral BMLs vs absent

Knee joint surgery

OR 0.82 (0.43–1.54)


Subchondral bone cysts (MRI)

Tanamas [36] 2010

Medial, per grade of severity

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.99 (1.01–3.90)



Lateral, per grade of severity

Knee joint surgery

OR 0.96 (0.48–1.94)


(N = 109)


Cartilage loss (MRI)

Cicuttini [14] 2004

Rate 3–8 % per annum

Knee joint surgery

OR 2.3 (0.4–12.2)


(N = 681)


Rate >8 % per annum


OR 7.1 (1.4–36.5)



Eckstein [17] 2013

Change in cMFTC.ThC

Knee joint surgery

Not provided



Change in MFTC.ThC

Not provided



Change in LFTC.ThC

Not provided



Roemer [32] 2014b

Grade 3 vs <3 (whole knee)


OR 4.00 (2.23–7.18)



Grade 3 vs 0 (MFTC)

Knee joint surgery

OR 3.01 (1.52–5.95)



Grade 3 vs 0 (LFTC)


OR 1.69 (0.94–3.02)



Scher [33] 2008

≥50 % vs <50 % loss

Knee joint surgery

OR 2.06 (0.74–5.70)


Meniscal extrusion (MRI)

Roemer [32] 2014

≥5 mm vs <5 mm (medial)

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.00 (0.60–1.67)



≥5 mm vs <5 mm (lateral)


OR 1.42 (0.54–3.75)


(N = 398)


Meniscal damage (MRI)

Roemer [32] 2014

Grade 6–8 vs 0–1 (medial)

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.84 (1.13–2.99)


(N = 398)


Grade 6–8 vs 0–1 (lateral)


OR 1.10 (0.68–1.77)


Anterior cruciate ligament tear

Amin [11] 2008

Complete tear on MRI

Increase in knee-specific VAS pain score

Not provided



Complete tear on MRI

Increase in self-reported limitations (WOMAC-PF)

Not provided


(N = 265)



Roemer [32] 2014

Infrapatellar fat pad on MRI

Knee joint surgery

OR 2.17 (1.33–3.56)


(N = 764)

Hill [19] 2007

Infrapatellar fat pad on MRI

Increase in knee-specific VAS pain score

β 4.89 (0.42–9.36)



Intercondylar on MRI

β 5.74 (0.34–11.14)



Suprapatellar on MRI


β 3.35 (–0.34 to 7.05)



Conaghan [16] 2010

Present on US

Knee joint surgery

HR 1.54 (0.95–2.50)


Joint effusion

Conaghan [16] 2010

Present on US

Knee joint surgery

HR 3.06 (2.00–4.69)


(N = 5,979)

Riddle [29] 2009

Positive bulge sign

Knee joint surgery

OR 2.53 (1.13–5.56)



Riddle [30] 2012

Positive bulge sign

Knee joint surgery

RR 1.58 (1.04–2.40)



Roemer [32] 2014

Present on MRI (grade 1–3)

Knee joint surgery

OR 4.75 (2.55–8.85)


Trabecular bone texture

Podsiadlo [28] 2014

FDmean on FSA, medial

Knee joint surgery

OR 0.23 (0.06–0.82)


(N = 114)


FDmean on FSA, lateral


OR 0.33 (0.09–1.22)


C2C (serum)

Berry [12] 2009

High level vs low

Knee joint surgery

OR 1.01 (0.94–1.08)


(N = 117)


COMP (serum)

Berry [12] 2010

High level vs low

Knee joint surgery

OR 0.77 (0.15–3.81)


(N = 117)


PIIANP (serum)

Berry [12] 2010

Natural log baseline levels

Knee joint surgery

OR 0.28 (0.10–0.93)


(N = 117)


ARGS (synovial)

Larsson [23] 2012

Baseline level ARGS > follow-up level ARGS

≥10 units progression KOOS Pain

OR 3.66 (1.01–13.2)


(N = 74)

≥10 units progression KOOS Function of daily living

OR 1.11 (0.26–4.80)


  1. *Statistically significant association of the determinant with OA progression: + positive association, – negative association, o no association (adjusted for age and sex if applicable). aAssessed at baseline. bSimilar results found when measuring compartment cartilage thickness. ARGS aggrecan neoepitope amino acid sequence, β regression coefficient, CI confidence interval, (c)MFTC.ThC (central) medial femorotibial compartment cartilage thickness (in mm), FD mean mean fractal dimension, FSA fractal signal analysis, C2C collagen type-II cleavage, COMP cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, HR hazard ratio, JSN joint space narrowing, JSW joint space width, K/L Kellgren and Lawrence score, KOOS Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, LFTC lateral FTC, N combined sample size, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, NRS Numeric Rating Scale, OA osteoarthritis, OR odds ratio, PIIANP N-propeptide of type IIA collagen, ROM range of motion, RR relative risk, TWT Timed Walking Test, US ultrasonography, VAS Visual Analogue Scale, WOMAC-PF physical function scale of the Western Ontario and McMaster osteoarthritis index