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Table 1 Main clinical features of a series of 329 Spanish patients with HSP

From: Role of PTPN22 and CSK gene polymorphisms as predictors of susceptibility and clinical heterogeneity in patients with Henoch-Schönlein purpura (IgA vasculitis)

Main characteristics

% (n/N)

Children (age ≤20 years)/adults (age >20 years)




Age at the onset of the disease (years, median [IQR])

7 [5–18]

Duration of follow-up (years, median [IQR])

1.5 [1–4]

Palpable purpura and/or maculopapular rash

100 (329/329)

Joint manifestations (arthralgia and/or arthritis)

55.6 (183/329)

Gastrointestinal manifestations (if “a” and/or “b”)

52.9 (174/329)

a) Bowel angina

51.4 (169/329)

b) Gastrointestinal bleeding

15.5 (51/329)

Renal manifestations (if any of the following characteristics)

34.6 (114/329)

a) Hematuria

33.7 (111/329)

b) Proteinuria

32.2 (106/329)

c) Nephrotic syndrome

3.0 (10/329)

d) Nephritic syndrome

1.2 (4/329)

  1. HSP Henoch-Schönlein purpura, IQR interquartile range