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Fig. 4 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: Twenty-eight-week results from the REALISTIC phase IIIb randomized trial: efficacy, safety and predictability of response to certolizumab pegol in a diverse rheumatoid arthritis population

Fig. 4

Clinical improvements in CZP-treated patients to week 12, stratified by prior-anti-TNF exposure. Cumulative proportion of CZP patients achieving (a) ≥1.2 reduction from baseline in DAS28(ESR), (b) ≥25 % change in baseline in SJC and (c) ≥10 reduction from baseline in CDAI (FAS, LOCF imputation). Footnote: Patients could achieve the response at any time point up to and including the relevant week. If all prior weeks were missing the patient was not counted. CDAI Clinical Disease Activity Index, CZP certolizumab pegol, DAS28 Disease Activity Score in 28 joints, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, FAS full analysis set, LOCF last observation carried forward, SJC swollen joint count, TNF tumor necrosis factor

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