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Fig. 4 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: The HLA-B*35 allele modulates ER stress, inflammation and proliferation in PBMCs from Limited Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis patients

Fig. 4

Expression of selected complement genes is decreased in HLA-B*35 positive lcSSc PBMCs. PBMCs were isolated from HC (n = 49), lcSSc (n = 82, NoPAH n = 43 and PAH n = 39) and grouped according to the presence of the HLA-B*35 allele: HC B35+ (n =9), HC B35- (n = 40); lcSSc NoPAH B35+ (n =14), lcSSc NoPAH B35- (n = 29), lcSSc PAH B35+ (n = 12) and lcSSc PAH B35- (n = 27). mRNA levels of C1QC and C1QB were measured by qPCR. Expression of the housekeeping genes β-actin, GADPH and 18S served as internal positive controls in each assay performed. lcSSc limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis, PBMCs peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension, HC healthy controls, qPCR quantitative polymerase chain reaction

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