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Table 1 Demographic data for the 321 pre-symptomatic, 187 patients with RA and 492 control subjects

From: Rheumatoid factor isotypes in relation to antibodies against citrullinated peptides and carbamylated proteins before the onset of rheumatoid arthritis


Control subjects (n = 492)

Pre-symptomatic individuals (n = 321)

RA patients (n = 187)

Female sex, %




Median age, yr (IQR)

51.1 (20.1)

50.3 (20.0)a

57.1 (15.3)

Ever smoker, n/total (%)

221/462 (47.8)

197/308 (64.0)b

123/184 (66.8)b

HLA-shared epitopec, n (%)

224/481 (46.5)

198/304 (65.1)b

118/187 (63.1)b

  1. RA rheumatoid arthritis, IQR interquartile range, HLA human leucocyte antigen
  2. aMedian age, as calculated for all samples when collected (n = 598) at a median (IQR) of 62. (7.2) years before the onset of RA symptoms
  3. b p < 0.001 cases compared with controls
  4. cHLA-shared epitope = HLA-B1*0101/0401/0404/0405/0408