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Table 2 Spearman’s correlation coefficients (r s) with p values for correlation between change (posttest-baseline) in the five subscales of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory-20 and patient characteristics, symptoms and physical function (n = 105)

From: Resistance exercise improves physical fatigue in women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial


Change in general fatigue r s, p value

Change in physical fatigue r s, p value

Change in mental fatigue r s, p value

Change in reduced activity r s, p value

Change in reduced motivation r s, p value


−0.09, 0.36

0.00, 0.98

0.01, 0.89

0.027, 0.78

0.033, 0.74


0.23, 0.021

0.26, 0.008

0.09, 0.35

0.11, 0.28

0.05, 0.62

Duration CWP

0.00, 0.98

−0.07, 0.47

0.04, 0.70

0.10, 0.33

0.10, 0.33

FIQ pain

−0.17, 0.079

−0.14, 0.15

0.15, 0.12

−0.12, 0.23

0.02, 0.85

PCS total

0.02, 0.84

0.03, 0.80

0.02, 0.86

−0.04, 0.69

0.09, 0.39


0.00, 0.98

−0.02, 0.83

−0.12, 0.21

0.04, 0.70

−0.030, 0.76


0.06, 0.52

0.11, 0.26

−0.11, 0.28

0.14, 0.16

0.12, 0.24



Duration of sleep

−0.02, 0.84

−0.06, 0.55

−0.09, 0.39

−0.06, 0.58

−0.10, 0.36

Sleep efficiency

−0.21, 0.049

−0.21, 0.044

−0.21, 0.048

−0.06, 0.54

−0.22, 0.037

Sleep disturbance

−0.03, 0.74

0.09, 0.39

0.04, 0.67

0.16, 0.12

0.04, 0.69

Sleep latency

−0.15, 0.15

−0.05, 0.62

−0.05, 0.66

−0.08, 0.46

−0.07, 0.54

Day dysfunction

0.06, 0.52

0.03, 0.74

0.00, 0.95

−0.08, 0.40

0.14, 0.18

Sleep quality

−0.03, 0.75

−0.02, 0.84

−0.05, 0.63

0.05, 0.63

0.14, 0.17

Need meds to sleep

−0.14, 0.15

−0.08, 0.41

−0.11, 0.28

0.00, 0.99

0.03, 0.80

Total score

−0.10, 0.31

−0.11, 0.30

−0.13, 0.20

−0.06, 0.53

−0.4, 0.67


−0.09, 0.38

0.08, 0.44

−0.02, 0.83

0.11, 0.29

−0.04, 0.69

6-minute walk test

0.06, 0.53

0.10, 0.33

−0.09, 0.35

−0.04, 0.71

−0.13, 0.19

  1. Correlation coefficients with a p value <0.1 are marked in bold print. CWP chronic widespread pain, FIQ Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, PCS Pain Catastrophizing Scale, HADS-D Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – subscale of depression, HADS-A Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – subscale of anxiety, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, meds medications, LTPAI Leisure Time Physical Activity Instrument