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Table 2 Change from baseline to one-year follow up

From: Pragmatic assessment of exercise in routine care using an MDHAQ: associations with changes in RAPID3 and other clinical variables


All patients N = 795

Mean (%) change between baseline and one year according to self-reported exercise status


EXER-Yes, EXER-Yes N = 324 (40.7 %)

EXER-No, EXER-Yes N = 126 (15.8 %)

EXER-Yes, EXER-No N = 77 (9.7 %)

EXER-No, EXER-No N = 268 (33.7 %)

Physical function (0–10)

-0.19 (-14.6 %)

-0.2 (-13.3 %)

-0.8 (-34.7 %)

0.3 (15.0 %)

-0.01 (-0.4 %)


Pain VAS (0–10)

-0.77 (-15.4 %)

-0.5 (-12.8 %)

-1.7 (-34.0 %)

-0.2 (-4.5 %)

-0.8 (-14.3 %)


Patient global estimate VAS (0–10)

-0.71 (-14.2 %)

-0.4 (-11.1 %)

-1.8 (-40.0 %)

0.2 (4.8 %)

-0.8 (-14.8 %)


RAPID3 (0–30)

-1.74 (-15.5 %)

-1.2 (-13.3 %)

-4.4 (-37.3 %)

0.3 (2.8 %)

-1.7 (-12.4 %)


Fatigue VAS (0–10)

-0.50 (-11.1 %)

-0.3 (-7.9 %)

-1.0 (-23.2 %)

-0.3 (-6.2 %)

-0.6 (-11.3 %)


RADAI (0–48)

-1.6 (-26.7 %)

-2.1 (-28.0 %)

-3.9 (-37.9 %)

0.1 (1.2 %)

-0.3 (-2.4 %)


Physician global estimate VAS (0–10)

-1.1 (-36.7 %)

-0.9 (-30 %)

-1.4 (-40.0 %)

-1.5 (-48.4 %)

-1.1 (-35.5 %)


  1. Negative change indicates improvement and positive change worsening. Mean (%) change between baseline and one year. ANOVA analysis of variance, EXER exercise, RAPID3 routine assessment of patient index data3, RADAI rheumatoid arthritis disease activity index, VAS visual analog scale