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Table 3 Examples of health-related content themes for social media posts mentioning anti-TNF biologic agents or other RA medications

From: Social media for arthritis-related comparative effectiveness and safety research and the impact of direct-to-consumer advertising

Patient quote

Health-related theme

I have been waiting two days for my enbrel and now I have wait another two days for the "order to process“. I could get crack faster!

Access, potential low adherence

30 second push for #enbrel because it burns like battery acid. I have this down to an art and that ain't right

Tolerability, potential low adherence

The pharmaceutical drug #Orencia has too many dangerous side effects to be advertised on TV!

Safety concerns

I'm sick of #Humira & #Enbrel commercials for moderate to severe #psoriasis! This (XXX) ain't workin for me! Enbrel only covers my joints.

Dissatisfaction, desire to change therapy

I don't get why they (my skin lesions) keep popping up. I took my enbrel. That's supposed to halt everything, but it's not working.

Unrealistic expectations of efficacy

The day enbrel puts whatever the hell is in these shots in a pill will probably one of the best days of my life!

Dissatisfaction with formulation, possible interest in oral medication (e.g. janus kinase inhibitor)