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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (n = 119)

From: Elevated levels of plasma symmetric dimethylarginine and increased arginase activity as potential indicators of cardiovascular comorbidity in rheumatoid arthritis




 Male sex

19 (16%)

 Age, years

60.6 ± 13.4, 62.0 (53.5–70.5)

 BMI, kg/m2

28.8 ± 6.3, 28.0 (25–32)

Disease activity

 Seropositive RA**

85 (71.4%)

  RF+ (≥ 20)

75 (63.0%)

  CCP+ (≥ 20)

59 (49.6%)

 Disease duration, yr

11.7 ± 9.6, 9.0 (5–16)


2.7 ± 1.2, 2.6 (1.6–3.5)

CV burden assessments

 Diabetes mellitus

21 (17.6%)


71 (59.7%)


56 (47.1%)

 Prior CV disease history

17 (14.3%)

 Smoking (current)

57 (47.9%)


 Statin use

32 (26.9%)

 Steroid use

54 (45.4%)

 Methotrexate use

64 (53.8%)

 Biologic DMARD usea

61 (51.3%)

 Not currently receiving DMARDs

11 (9.2%)

 Antihypertensive drugsb

55 (77.5%)


29 (40.8%)

  Calcium channel blocker

21 (29.6%)

  ACE inhibitor

19 (26.8%)


18 (25.4%)

  Angiotensin II receptor blockers

13 (18.3%)


1 (1.4%)

  α2-Adrenergic agonist

1 (1.4%)

Laboratory examination results

 ESR, mm/h

21.3 ± 18.3, 14.5 (7–29.2)

  > 15 mm/h

45 (37.8%)

  ≤ 15 mm/h

47 (39.5%)


27 (22.7%)

 CRP (mg/dl)

1.2 ± 2.6, 0.4 (0.2–0.9)

  > 1 mg/dl

22 (18.5%)

  ≤ 1 mg/dl

76 (63.9%)


21 (17.6%)

  1. Abbreviations: BMI Body mass index, RA Rheumatoid arthritis, RF Rheumatoid factor, CCP Cyclic citrullinated peptide, DAS28 Disease Activity Score in 28 joints, CV Cardiovascular, DMARD Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, N/A Not available
  2. Values are given as number (%), mean ± SD, or median (IQR)
  3. a Current use at the time of sampling
  4. b Some patients overlap in multiple subcategories