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Table 3 Summary of patient self-reported awareness of the increased risk of developing CVD associated with rheumatoid arthritis

From: Awareness and perceived risk of cardiovascular disease among individuals living with rheumatoid arthritis is low: results of a systematic literature review


Evaluation of awareness

Aware, n (%)

Unaware, n (%)

Bartels, 2016 [10]

Q: Are you aware of an elevated CVD risk in RA?

A: yes or no

4 (27)

11 (73)

Frølund, 2014 [15]

Q: Did you know that there was an increased risk of developing heart disease among patients with rheumatoid arthritis?

A: yes or no

4 (29)

10 (71)

van Breukelen-van der Stoep, 2015 [14]

Q: How high do you think your risk of getting a myocardial infarction is?

A: high, not more than average, low, or almost zero

3 (3)

57 (97)

John, 2009 [13]

Q: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are more likely to develop heart disease?

A: yes or no

40 (31)

90 (69)

  1. Q question posed in the study to evaluate awareness, A patient response options