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Table 5 Factors predicting clinical progression

From: Prognostic factors for progression of osteoarthritis of the hip: a systematic review

Prognostic factor



Best-evidence synthesis

Patient variables

 No association


Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

5 cohorts [13, 27, 42, 56, 66]

No, no

Positive, no, no, no, no

  Social support

Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

No, no

  Higher age at baseline

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41, 57]

3 cohorts [42, 56, 66]

No, positive

No, no, no

  Paid employment

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

2 cohorts [42, 56]


No, no

  Living alone

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [30]



  Alcohol consumption

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]


 Conflicting evidence

  Physical activity during leisure

Conflicting evidence


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]


  Body mass index

Conflicting evidence


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

3 cohorts [42, 56, 66]

Positive, no

No, no, positive

  Lower education level

Conflicting evidence


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

2 cohorts [42, 66]

No, negative

Positive, no

Disease characteristics

 Faster or more progression

  Having another disease (comorbidity)

Strong evidence for more progression


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

1 cohort [42]

Positive$$, positive


  Concurrent morning stiffness of the knee (< 30 min)

Limited evidence for more progression


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]


 No association

  Use of (pain) medication at baseline

Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohorts [29, 41]

No, no

  Quality of life at baseline

Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohort [30, 41]

No$$$, no

  Limited range of motion of internal hip rotation

Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

1 cohort [66]

No, no


  Limited range of motion of external hip rotation

Strong evidence for no association


2 low risk of bias cohorts [15, 57]

No, no

  Concurrent knee pain

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [66]




Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [56]



  Way of coping

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [30]



  Respiratory comorbidity

Moderate evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]

1 cohort [56]



  Patient-rated health

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]


  Cardiac comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 1, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Vascular comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 2, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Eye, ear, nose, throat, and larynx diseases (cumulative illness rating scale 4, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Upper gastrointestinal comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 5, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Lower gastrointestinal comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 6, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Hepatic comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 7, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Renal comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 8, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Other genitourinary comorbidities (cumulative illness rating scale 9, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Neurological comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 11, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Psychiatric comorbidity (cumulative illness rating scale 12, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Comorbidity of endocrine and metabolic diseases (cumulative illness rating scale 13, severity score ≥ 2)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Cognitive functioning

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [57]


  Muscle strength hip abduction

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [57]


  Pain during sitting or lying

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]


  Joint stiffness (WOMAC)

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [15]


  Use of additional supplements or vitamins

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [15]


  Concurrent pain during flexion of ipsilateral knee

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [15]


  Knee flexion

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Knee extension

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


  Strength of isometric knee extension

Limited evidence for no association


1 low risk of bias cohort [29]


 Conflicting evidence

  Bilateral hip OA

Conflicting evidence


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [66]

Positive, if equal symptoms


  Pain at baseline (self-reported or during physical examination)

Conflicting evidence


3 low risk of bias cohorts [29, 41, 47]

No, no, positive

  Longer duration of symptoms at baseline

Conflicting evidence


1 low risk of bias cohort [57]

2 cohorts [42, 66]


No, positive

  Morning stiffness

Conflicting evidence


1 low risk of bias cohort [41]

1 cohort [66]



  Limited range of motion of flexion of the hip

Conflicting evidence


2 low risk of bias cohorts [41, 57]

1 cohort [66]

Positive, no


Chemical or imaging markers

 Conflicting evidence

  Higher K-L grade at baseline

Conflicting evidence


1 low risk of bias cohort [12]

2 cohorts [42, 66]


No, positive

  1. $Patients who were 3–5 days/week physically active in their leisure time showed less progression than patients who were 0–2 days/week physically active in their leisure time. No difference was found between patients spending 6–7 days/week on physical activity and patients spending 0–2 days/week on physical activity
  2. $$≥ 3 more diseases compared to no comorbidities
  3. $$$Subscale of SF-36 vitality showed a positive association with WOMAC function score