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Table 8 National Paediatric Rheumatological Database (NPRD) with a uveitis add-on module in Germany (2002–2016). Follow-up uveitis documentation: anti-inflammatory treatment in previous 12 months. Data as provided in NPDR and/or uveitis documentation

From: Similarities in clinical course and outcome between juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated and ANA-positive idiopathic anterior uveitis: data from a population-based nationwide study in Germany

Follow-up documentation.

Anti-inflammatory treatment in previous 12 months

Group I.

Uveitis, ANA-positive, no JIA, N = 56

Group II.

Uveitis manifestation after JIA disease onset*, N = 56

Group III.

Uveitis manifestation before JIA disease onset*, N = 37

p value†

Significant pairwise comparisons‡



Uveitis inactivity‡‡


Uveitis inactivity‡‡


Uveitis inactivity‡‡


Any DMARD, n (%)

29 (53.7%)

13 (61.9%)

27 (49.1%)

5 (45.5%)

23 (63.9%)

6 (66.7%)



Methotrexate, n (%)

25 (46.3%)

11 (61.1%)

26 (47.3%)

5 (50.0%)

23 (63.9%)

6 (66.7%)



Adalimumab, n (%)

5 (12.2%)

3 (60.0%)

4 (12.9%)

2 (66.7%)

2 (9.5%)

0 (0.0%)



Systemic corticosteroids, n (%)

16 (32.7%)

6 (54.6%)

7 (13.2%)

1 (100.0%)

12 (35.3%)

2 (50.0%)


II vs. III

Topical corticosteroids, n (%)

33 (62.3%)

13 (54.2%)

29 (59.2%)

8 (50.0%)

24 (70.6%)

2 (28.6%)


  1. †Group effect for the proportion of treated patients by chi-squared test for categorical variables
  2. ‡Pairwise comparisons for the proportion of treated patients with correction for multiple comparisons by Bonferroni (chi-squared test)
  3. ‡‡Group I: n = 34; Group II: n = 27; Group III: n = 13 patients with documented AC cell count
  4. *Initial uveitis diagnosis