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Table 2 Clinical characteristics of subgroups in the juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) cohort

From: Pain sensitivity in young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a quantitative sensory testing study


Remission off medicationa

Inactive diseasea

Active diseasea




N = 43

N = 20

N = 33

Female sex, n (%)

25 (58)

15 (75)

28 (85)

Age at onset, years, median (IQR)

8.3 (3.1–11.8)

3.7 (2.2–8.5)

7.0 (2.6–12.3)

Age at visit, years, median (IQR)

24.2 (20.3–26.5)

18.8 (17.5–21.8)

22.7 (19.2–26.5)

Systemic arthritis, n (%)b

1 (2)

Oligoarticular persistent, n (%)b

17 (40)

5 (25)

5 (15)

Oligoarticular extended, n (%)b

3 (7)

5 (25)

10 (30)

Polyarthritis RF positive arthritis, n (%)b

1 (5)

1 (3)

Polyarthritis RF negative arthritis, n (%)b

13 (30)

4 (20)

6 (18)

Psoriatic arthritis, n (%)b

1 (2)

3 (9)

Enthesitis-related arthritis, n (%)b

3 (7)

2 (10)

2 (6)

Undifferentiated arthritis, n (%)b

5 (12)

3 (15)

6 (18)

DMARDs ever, n (%)

9 (18)

19 (37)

23 (45)

Biologics ever, n (%)

2 (5)

13 (35)

22 (60)

HAQ, median (IQR)

0 (0–0)

0 (0–0.125)

0.125 (0–0.25)

SF-36 PCS, mean (± SD)

55.7 (7.0)

52.2 (7.4)

44.6 (9.8)

SF-36 MCS, mean (± SD)

48.8 (12.3)

44.6 (12.7)

48.1 (10.0)

  1. N numbers; IQR interquartile range, 1st–3rd; RF rheumatoid factor; DMARDs disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; Biologics biologic drugs; HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire, 0–3 (0= lowest, 3 = highest); SD standard deviation; SF-36 Short-form 36 Health Status Questionnaire, 0–100 (< 40 poor health); PCS physical component summary; MCS mental component summary
  2. aDisease status according to the definition by Wallace et al. Remission off medication for ≥ 12 months. Inactive disease on medication for less than 6 months or inactive disease off medication for less than 12 months or remission on medication (inactive disease on medication for more than 6 months). Active disease flare or continuous active disease
  3. bJIA category according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) classification criteria