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Table 1 Patient demographics and characteristics at baseline of extension study (SAF)

From: Safety and effectiveness of peficitinib (ASP015K) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: interim data (22.7 months mean peficitinib treatment) from a long-term, open-label extension study in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan


Total (N = 843)

Age, years

55.7 (11.9)

Female, n (%)

619 (73.4)

Study region, n (%)


806 (95.6)


19 (2.3)


18 (2.1)

RA duration at baseline of preceding study, years1

6.2 (5.6)

Patients in prednisolone dose category, n (%)


432 (51.2)

 Average 0 – 5 mg/day

341 (40.5)

 Average > 5 mg/day

70 (8.3)

Patients receiving concomitant DMARD, n (%)


234 (27.8)


549 (65.1)

 DMARD except for MTX

60 (7.1)

Maximum MTX dose for overall period, mg/week

9.7 (3.2)

Tender joint count at 68 joints2

5.1 (7.5)

Swollen joint count at 66 joints2

4.0 (5.3)

HAQ-DI score3

0.59 (0.58)

CRP, mg/dL4

0.87 (1.51)

ESR, mm/h4

28.4 (22.6)


3.03 (1.46)


3.63 (1.58)

CDAI score2

11.59 (11.83)

SDAI score2

12.47 (12.69)

  1. Data are expressed as mean (SD) unless otherwise stated
  2. 1Duration of RA was calculated as (date of screening visit of preceding study – onset date of RA + 1)/365.25
  3. 2Higher scores indicate greater levels of disease activity
  4. 3Possible HAQ-DI scores range 0 – 3, with higher scores indicating greater disability
  5. 4Higher CRP and ESR values indicate greater inflammation
  6. CDAI Clinical Disease Activity Index, CRP C-reactive protein, DAS Disease Activity Score, DMARD disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HAQ-DI Health Assessment Questionnaire – Disability Index, MTX methotrexate, RA rheumatoid arthritis, SAF safety analysis set, SD standard deviation, SDAI Simplified Disease Activity Index