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Table 1 Included versus excluded participant characteristics

From: Hip osteoarthritis signs and symptoms are associated with increased fall risk among community-dwelling older adults with chronic low back pain: a prospective study


Included (N = 210)

Excluded (N = 40)


Mean ± SD or N (%)

Sex: female

106 (50.5%)

22 (55.0%)

Race: white

181 (86.2%)

32 (80.0%)

Age (years)

69.85 ± 6.74

68.97 ± 7.38

BMI (kilograms/meters2)

29.37 ± 5.57

29.76 ± 6.42

Average LBP intensity (0–10)

2.96 ± 1.40

3.68 ± 1.67*

Average hip pain intensity (0–10)

1.72 ± 1.72

2.25 ± 1.89

QBPDS (0–100)

27.08 ± 16.21

34.66 ± 17.36*

ABC-16 (0–100)

80.85 ± 18.19

73.83 ± 22.32


0.08 ± 0.28

0.13 ± 0.33

Hip OA impairment burden (0–6)

3.07 ± 1.29

3.15 ± 1.33†

Prior falls

1.08 ± 2.84

1.08 ± 2.34†

  1. Note: Categorical values are presented as total number (% of sample), while continuous values are presented as mean (± SD)
  2. Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; LBP, low back pain; QBPDS, Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale; ABC-16, Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale
  3. *p < 0.05; † = distributions were non-normal, reported p value is from Mann-Whitney test