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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with giant-cell arteritis over 80 years old who received tocilizumab

From: Assessment of the efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in patients over 80 years old with giant cell arteritis


Patients (n = 21)



84 [81–90]

 Female sex

16 (76)

Past medical history

 Number of cardiovascular risk factors (except age and sex)

1 [0–3]


11 (52)

 Tobacco use

2 (10)

 Diabetes mellitus

4 (19)


6 (29)


2 (10)

 Coronary disease

4 (19)

 Previous stroke

2 (10)


2 (10)

 Osteoporotic fractures

2 (10)


1 (5)

Clinical manifestations

 ACR criteria

4 [3–5]

 Weight loss

15 (71)


5 (24)


17 (81)

 Jaw claudication

12 (57)

 Abnormal temporal artery

7 (33)

 Scalp tenderness

7 (33)

 Ophthalmologic involvement

7 (33)

 Polymyalgia rheumatica

9 (43)

 Limb claudication

1 (5)

Laboratory parameters

 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in mm

82 [25–138]

 C-reactive protein, in mg/l

90 [16–224]

 Hemoglobin level, g/dl

10.3 [9.2–15.1]

Positive histology

11/16 (69)

Large-vessel vasculitisa

7/16 (44)

 At GCA diagnosis

4/13 (31)

 During follow-up

3/3 (100)

  1. Values are numbers (%) or medians [range]. CV, cardiovascular; ACR, American College of Rheumatology; GCA, giant-cell arteritis
  2. aIn patients who underwent large-vessel imaging