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Table 2 P-values of the gene expression of M1 and M2 markers in cultured HS-M1-MDMS and RA-MDMs and correlation statistical testing

From: CTLA4-Ig treatment induces M1–M2 shift in cultured monocyte-derived macrophages from healthy subjects and rheumatoid arthritis patients

  1. The median (with range) of the gene expression and protein synthesis of M1 (TLR4, CD80, CD86) and M2 markers (CD163, CD204, CD206, MerTK) (A) in cultured HS-M1-MDMs and (B) in cultured RA-MDMs. In the white part of Table 2A, the gene expression and the protein synthesis correspond respectively to the expression and protein level (fold increase) of the target (gene or protein) in cultured HS-MDMs stimulated with LPS alone and stimulated with LPS followed by treatment with CTLA4-Ig compared with that of unstimulated HS-MDMs taken as the unit value by definition [43]. In the white part of Table 2 B, the gene expression and the protein synthesis correspond respectively to the expression and protein level (fold increase) of the target (gene or protein) in cultured CTLA4-Ig-treated RA-MDMs compared with that of untreated RA-MDMs taken as the unit value by definition [43]. In the light grey part of Table 2 A and B, the p-values related to the comparison between the experimental conditions and those related to the Spearman rank non-parametric correlation test were reported