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Table 9 Guidelines of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health applied to each of the 21 questions of the Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire

From: The Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQR): validation and psychometric properties

FIQR question

Nearest ICF category

Brush or comb your hair

d5202 (caring for hair)

Walk continuously for 20 minutes

d4500 (walking short distances)

Prepare a homemade meal

d6300 (preparing a simple meal)

Vacuum, scrub, or sweep floors

d6402 (cleaning living area)

Lift and carry a bag full of groceries

d430 (lifting and carrying an object)

Climb one flight of stairs

d4551 (climbing)

Change bed sheets

d6408 (doing housework)

Sit in a chair for 45 minutes

d4153 (maintaining a sitting position)

Go shopping for groceries

d6200 (shopping)

Fibromyalgia prevented me from accomplishing goals for the week

d2302 (completing daily routine)

I was completely overwhelmed by my fibromyalgia symptoms

b1809 (experience of self and time function)

Please rate your level of pain

b2800 (generalized pain)

Please rate your level of energy

b1300 (energy level)

Please rate your level of stiffness

b7800 (sensation of muscle stiffness)

Please rate the quality of your sleep

b1343 (quality of sleep)

Please rate your level of depression

b152 (emotional function)

Please rate your level of memory problems

b144 (memory function)

Please rate your level of anxiety

b1470 (psychomotor function)

Please rate your level of tenderness to touch

b2702 (sensitivity to pressure)

Please rate your level of balance problems

b2531 (vestibular function of balance)

Please rate your level of sensitivity to loud noises, bright lights, odors, and cold

b2708 (sensory function related to temperature and other stimuli)

  1. FIQR, Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire; ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.