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Table 1 Disease severity and incidence at specific time points during collagen-induced arthritis in B10

From: Comparative analysis of collagen type II-specific immune responses during development of collagen-induced arthritis in two B10 mouse strains


Mean day of onset †

Mean severity day 35 †

Mean severity day 50 †

Mean severity day 65 †

% Incidence (day 35 arthritic vs. total numberof mice)

% Incidence (day 50 arthritic vs. total number of mice)

% Incidence (day 65 arthritic vs. total numberof mice)


28 ± 3

13.4 ± 1.9

19.4 ± 2.2

14.1 ± 1.5

55 (11/20)

70 (14/20)

90 (18/20)

B10.DR4. Ncf1*/*

32 ± 1

16.4 ± 6

21 ± 5.6

9.8 ± 3.3

44.4 (8/18)

69.2 (9/13)

71.4 (5/7)

  1. †Data represent mean values ± SE and include only arthritic animals.