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Table 1 Demographic and baseline characteristics for the overall patient population

From: Long-term safety of Ixekizumab in adults with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, or axial spondyloarthritis: a post-hoc analysis of final safety data from 25 randomized clinical trials


Integrated PsO IXE (N = 6892)

Integrated PsA IXE (N = 1401)

Integrated axSpA IXEb (N = 932)

Age, years, mean (S.D.)

45.7 (13.2)

49.1 (11.9)

42.8 (12.6)

Sex, n (%)


4696 (68.1)

679 (48.5)

650 (69.7)


2196 (31.9)

722 (51.5)

282 (30.3)

Race, n (%)


5612 (81.5)

1278 (91.3)

689 (74.1)

 Black/African American

206 (3.0)

4 (0.3)

4 (0.4)


786 (12.0)

130 (9.3)

209 (22.4)


914 (13.3)

68 (4.9)

181 (19.5)

Geographic region, n (%)

 North America

3595 (52.2)

293 (20.9)

107 (11.5)


2251 (32.7)

896 (64.0)

462 (49.6)


244 (3.5)

62 (4.4)

170 (18.2)

Weight, kg, mean (SD)

90.3 (23.5)

86.1 (20.3)

80.0 (17.3)

BMI, kg/m2, mean (S.D.)

30.4 (7.3)

30.0 (6.9)

27.5 (5.7)

Tobacco use (current), n (%)

874 (12.7)

538 (38.4)

276 (29.6)

Alcohol consumption (yes), n (%)

1421 (20.6)

718 (51.4)

399 (42.8)

COPD, n (%)

180 (2.6)

43 (3.1)

22 (2.4)

Asthma, n (%)

377 (5.5)

88 (6.3)

38 (4.1)

Diabetes, n (%)

751 (10.9)

169 (12.1)

50 (5.4)

Inflammatory bowel disease, n (%)

44 (0.6)

14 (1.0)

30 (3.2)

Duration of symptoms in years, mean (S.D.)

18.7 (12.2)

9.4 (8.6)

15.2 (10.9)

Previous medical history, n (%)

 Herpes zoster

51 (0.7)

19 (1.4)

14 (1.5)

 Candida infections

16 (0.2)

4 (0.3)


 Latent tuberculosis infections

118 (1.7)

35 (2.5)

76 (8.2)

 Psychiatric disorders

78 (1.1)

18 (1.3)

12 (1.3)

Previous systemic therapy, n (%)a

 Never used

2474 (35.9)

290 (20.7)

6 (0.6)


2418 (35.1)

773 (55.2)

925 (99.2)


826 (12.0)

71 (5.1)

305 (32.7)

 Biologic and non-biologic

1174 (17.0)

267 (19.1)

304 (32.6)

Concomitant therapy, n (%)


2838 (41.2)

917 (65.5)

851 (91.3)


783 (11.4)

1002 (71.5)

378 (40.6)

 Oral CSs

422 (6.1)

357 (25.5)

204 (21.9)

  1. Abbreviations: AS Ankylosing spondylitis, axSpA Axial spondyloarthritis, BMI Body mass index, CSs Corticosteroids, csDMARDs Conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, IXE Ixekizumab, n Number of patients per category, N Number of patients in the analysis population, nr-axSpA Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, NSAIDs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, PsA psoriatic arthritis, PsO Psoriasis, SD Standard deviation
  2. ‘Integrated’ refers to data obtained from all eligible patients who received any dose of IXE
  3. asystemic therapy in patients with PsO and PsA are either non-biologic only, biologic only, or biologic and nonbiologic. Patients with axSpA could have both previous therapies
  4. bIncludes patients with AS and nr-axSpA