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Fig. 4 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 4

From: B cell receptor repertoire analysis in primary Sjogren’s syndrome salivary glands identifies repertoire features associated with clinical activity

Fig. 4

pSS patient BCR κ-λ usage ratios correlate with clinical disease activity. A Boxplot of the total counts of recovered IgH chains in each sample from the labial and parotid glands of pSS patients and controls. p values of pairwise two-tailed Student’s t-test depicted. B Boxplot of the adjusted Shannon entropy of IgH chain CDR3 amino acid sequences in each sample. To normalize for differences in total count, raw Shannon entropy was divided by a scale factor for total IgH count in each sample. C, D Boxplot of the IgA2 isotype usage rate (C) and IgG1 isotype usage rate (D) as a proportion of total IgH counts in each sample. E Boxplot of light chain κ-λ usage ratio in each sample shows no significant variation. F, G Kappa-lambda ratio of labial gland (F) and parotid gland (G) BCRs is positively correlated with ESSDAI disease activity metric. Correlation coefficients and p-values calculated using Pearson’s R

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