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Table 1 Clinical characteristics at the time of blood sampling in 23 patients with SSc*

From: Enhanced angiogenic potency of monocytic endothelial progenitor cells in patients with systemic sclerosis

Raynaud's phenomenon

23 (100%)

Digital ulcers

9 (39%)

Interstitial lung disease

10 (43%)

Current smoker

1 (4%)

Past smoker

1 (4%)


6 (26%)


4 (17%)

Positive anti-nuclear antibody

23 (100%)

Positive anticentromere

8 (35%)

Positive anti-topoisomerase I

5 (22%)

Positive anti-U1RNP

2 (9%)

Positive anti-Th/To

3 (13%)

Positive anti-RNA polymerase III

2 (9%)

  1. * The results are expressed as the number and frequency (%).