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Table 1 Characteristics of RA patients (n = 13)

From: Blockade of Toll-like receptor 2 prevents spontaneous cytokine release from rheumatoid arthritis ex vivo synovial explant cultures

Age, mean (range) years

58.07 (29 to 83)

Disease duration, mean (range) years

6.1 (0.6 to 14)

Rheumatoid factor - positive


   - negative


No. of patients on DMARDs


No. of patients on NSAIDS


Physician's global assessment, 0 to 100 mm VAS

26.4 ± 25.8

ESR, mm/hr

24.8 ± 9.5

CRP, mg/dl

20.9 ± 18.7

DAS28, units

4.1 ± 0.9