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Table 1 The dual role of infrapatellar fat pad in the joint

From: An emerging player in knee osteoarthritis: the infrapatellar fat pad



Evidence for a protective role of IFP in the knee


IFP is preserved even under extreme emaciation conditions.


Downregulation of NO production, glycosaminoglycan release, and MMP1 expression in cartilage by FCM from IFP


Presence of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and their precursors in ACM/FCM from IFP

[36, 37]

Presence of MSCs and macrophages with anti-inflammatory characteristics in IFP

[29, 43, 54]

Evidence for an inflammatory role of IFP in the knee


IFP inflammation as observed on MRI is associated with knee pain


Increased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion by IFP is correlated with BMI


Increased fibrosis by synoviocytes under influence of FCM


Increased cytokine production and proliferation of Th1 cells under influence of ACM from IFP


Increased collagen release and MMP1 and MMP13 expression


  1. ACM, adipocyte-conditioned medium; BMI, body mass index; FCM, fat-conditioned media; IFP, infrapatellar fat pad; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; NO, nitric oxide; Th, T helper.