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Table 2 Outcome data for patient and renal survival

From: Long-term outcome of patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis treated with plasma exchange: a retrospective, single-centre study

Absolute time since PLEX

Surviving, n (%)

RRT in survivors, n (%)

0 months (n = 94)

94 (100 %)

55 (58.5 %)

3 months (n = 94)

81 (86.2 %)

19 (23.5 %)

1 year (n = 94)

68 (72.3 %)

14 (20.6 %)

3 years (n = 79)

49 (62 %)

9 (18.4 %)

5 years (n = 61)

26 (42.6 %)

5 (19.2 %)

End of follow-up (n = 94)

56 (59.6 %)

9 (16.1 %)

  1. PLEX plasma exchange, RRT renal replacement therapy