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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with SSc-PAH

From: Survival and quality of life in incident systemic sclerosis-related pulmonary arterial hypertension


Mean (± SD), number (percent) or median (IQR)

Total number of patients



112 (85%)

Age at PAH diagnosis, years

62.3 (± 10.9)

Disease durationa at PAH diagnosis, years

14.1 (± 11.9)

Status at censoring


70 (53.0%)


60 (45.5%)


1 (0.8%)

 Unable to contact

1 (0.8%)



112 (84.9%)


6 (4.6%)


1 (0.8%)


1 (0.8%)

Follow-up durationb, years (median (IQR))

3.8 (1.6–5.8)

Survival from PAH diagnosis, years (median (IQR))

4.0 (2.2–6.2)

Disease durationa at PAH diagnosis, years

14.4 ± 12.1

Disease subtype


91 (68.9%)


30 (22.7%)


7 (5.3%)

Autoantibody status

 Anti-centromere pattern ANA

63 (51.6%)

 Antiphospholipid antibodies (>ULN)

33 (30%)

 RNA polymerase III positive

8 (11.4%)

 Scl 70 positive

9 (7.4%)

WHO functional class at time of PAH diagnosis

 Class I

3 (2.3%)

 Class II

23 (17.4%)

 Class III

79 (59.9%)

 Class IV

12 (9.1%)

Baseline 6MWD, m

326.13 (±105.5)

Baseline mRAP, mmHg

8.3 (± 4.3)

Baseline mPAP, mmHg

35.6 (± 10.4)

Baseline PAWP, mmHg

10.5 (± 3.4)

Baseline mCI, L/min/m2

3.2 (± 1.9)

Baseline PVR, Wood units

8.7 (± 3.8)

Presence of a pericardial effusion at PAH diagnosis

24 (18.2%)

Mean DLCO, % predicted mL/min/mmHg

46.6 (± 13.5)

Mean DLCO/VA, % predicted mL/min/mmHg

56.7 (± 20.2)

Medical therapy

 Pulmonary vasodilator therapyc


91 (68.9%)

  Combination therapy

41 (31.1%)

  Warfarin therapyd

37 (28.5%)

  Hydroxychloroquine therapyd

12 (9.1%)

  Antiplatelet agentc

48 (36.9%)

  Mycophenolate mofetil therapyd

7 (5.4%)

  Hormone replacement therapyd

16 (12.3%)

  Proton pump inhibitord

105 (80.8%)

  Home oxygend

28 (21.5%)

  1. Abbreviations: SSc systemic sclerosis, PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension, MCTD mixed connective tissue disease, ANA antinuclear antibody, ULN upper limit of normal, WHO World Health Organization, 6MWD six-minute walk distance, mRAP mean right atrial pressure, mPAP mean pulmonary arterial pressure, PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure, PVR peripheral vascular resistance, mCI mean cardiac index, DLCO diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide, DLCO/VA DLCO adjusted for alveolar volume
  2. aDisease duration from first non-Raynaud manifestation
  3. bFollow-up duration was defined as years from study enrollment
  4. cMonotherapy is treatment with a single PAH-specific therapy. Combination therapy is treatment with more than one specific PAH agent from different classes at one time
  5. dTreatment ever following the diagnosis of PAH