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Table 2 Characteristics of JIA patients at baseline, and at the 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year follow-up (FU)

From: The majority of patients with newly diagnosed juvenile idiopathic arthritis achieve a health-related quality of life that is similar to that of healthy peers: results of the German multicenter inception cohort (ICON)



1-year FU

2-year FU







JIA categories

 Oligoarthritis, n (%)

441 (46.3%)

 Persistent oligoarthritis, n (%)


315 (37.1%)

253 (33.3%)

 Extended oligoarthritis, n (%)


74 (8.7%)

98 (12.9%)

 RF-negative polyarthritis, n (%)

250 (26.2%)

226 (26.6%)

205 (27.0%)

 RF-positive polyarthritis, n (%)

16 (1.7%)

15 (1.8%)

15 (2.0%)

 Enthesitis-related arthritis, n (%)

100 (10.5%)

92 (10.8%)

75 (9.9%)

 Psoriatic arthritis, n (%)

40 (4.2%)

41 (4.8%)

35 (4.6%)

 Systemic-onset JIA, n (%)

35 (3.7%)

29 (3.4%)

28 (3.7%)

 Undifferentiated arthritis, n (%)

71 (7.5%)

58 (6.9%)

51 (6.7%)

Disease activity

 PGA (NRS 0–10), mean (SD)

3.8 (2.6)

1.0 (1.5)

0.8 (1.4)

0.8 (1.3)

 cJADAS-10 (0–30), mean (SD)

9.8 (6.2)

3.4 (4.0)

2.8 (3.4)

2.7 (3.6)

 Inactive disease, n (%)

56 (6.0%)

288 (39.8%)

309 (46.8%)

297 (52.0%)

 Minimal disease activity, n (%)

24 (2.6%)

89 (12.3%)

85 (12.9%)

64 (11.2%)

 Moderate disease activity, n (%)

159 (17.0%)

218 (30.2%)

175 (26.5%)

132 (23.1%)

 High disease activity, n (%)

698 (74.5%)

128 (17.7%)

92 (13.9%)

78 (13.7%)

Parent’s reported outcomes

 Functional status (CHAQ; range 0–3), mean (SD)

0.6 (0.7)

0.3 (0.5)

0.2 (0.5)

0.2 (0.5)

 FaBel (total scale; range 0–4), mean (SD)a

1.7 (0.4)


 NSAIDs, n (%)

800 (84.0%)

289 (37.8%)

191 (26.1%)

150 (22.4%)

 Systemic glucocorticoids, n (%)

230 (24.1%)

83 (10.9%)

49 (6.7%)

32 (4.8%)

 DMARDs, n (%)

394 (41.3%)

493 (64.5%)

427 (58.3%)

390 (58.2%)

  csDMARDs, n (%)

387 (40.6%)

454 (59.4%)

350 (47.8%)

313 (46.7%)

   MTX, n (%)

364 (38.2%)

422 (55.2%)

324 (44.2%)

285 (42.5%)

   Sulfasalazine, n (%)

19 (2%)

22 (2.9%)

12 (1.6%)

11 (1.6%)

  bDMARDs, n (%)

38 (4.0%)

156 (20.4%)

179 (24.4%)

163 (24.3%)

   Etanercept, n (%)

21 (2.2%)

86 (11.3%)

105 (14.3%)

86 (12.8%)

   Adalimumab, n (%)

7 (0.7%)

35 (4.6%)

37 (5.1%)

46 (6.9%)

  1. bDMARD, biologic DMARD; CHAQ, Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire; cJADAS-10, clinical Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score; csDMARD, conventional synthetic DMARD; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; FaBel, Family Burden Questionnaire; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; MTX, methotrexate; NRS, numeric rating scale; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PGA, physician’s global assessment of disease activity; RF, rheumatoid factor; SD, standard deviation
  2. aReported 3 months after baseline