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Fig. 2 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 2

From: Efficacy and safety of febuxostat extended release and immediate release in patients with gout and moderate renal impairment: phase II placebo-controlled study

Fig. 2

Disposition of patients. (a) Percentage is based on number of patients with early D/C for the treatment group. (b) If a patient had a gout flare that caused W/D from the study, it was recorded as ‘Wishes to withdraw from study drug due to gout flare’ instead of adverse event. Note: 38.7% (261 patients) were excluded at screening, and 33.3% (225 patients) were excluded at washout. Most patients who were not enrolled (249/261, 95.4%) had failed to meet the screening criteria. AE adverse event, D/C discontinuation of study drug, IR immediate release, Maj prot dev major protocol deviation, PTE pretreatment event, W/D withdrawal, XR extended release

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