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Table 3 Characteristics of patients by age at the beginning of biologic treatment according to biologic compound, number of biologic drugs, and reasons for suspension

From: Persistence and adverse events of biological treatment in adult patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from BIOBADASER


< 16 Years

≥16 Years

p Value

Number of patients

137 (29.2)

332 (70.8)


Age at the beginning of biological treatment

9.0 [4.2]

30.2 [11.4]

< 0.001

Years of disease progression

2.7 [3.1]

19.5 [2.1]

< 0.001

Biologic compound


81 (59.1)

123 (37.1)

< 0.001


31 (21.6)

58 (17.5)


9 (6.6)

134 (40.4)


8 (5.8)

8 (2.4)


5 (1.5)


6 (4.4)

2 (0.6)


2 (1.5)


2 (0.6)

Reason for suspension


26 (37.1)

80 (37.4)

< 0.001


18 (25.7)

17 (7.9)

 Adverse event

20 (28.6)

60 (28.0)

 Loss of tracking

4 (5.7)

20 (9.4)

 Pregnancy or gestational desire

13 (6.1)

 Other reasons

2 (2.9)

22 (10.3)


2 (0.9)

Number of biologic drugs

 1 drug

83 (60.6)

183 (55.1)


  > 1 drug

54 (39.4)

149 (44.9)


27 (19.7)

67 (20.2)


13 (9.5)

38 (11.5)


11 (8.0)

12 (3.6)

  5 or more

3 (2.2)

32 (9.6)

  1. Data are expressed as mean [SD] or as number of patients (%). Chi-squared tests were used to compare distributions for categorical variables, and Student’s t tests were used for numerical variables