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Table 1 Patient and control subjects characteristics

From: Exocrine pancreatic function is preserved in systemic sclerosis


SSc subjects (n = 112)

Control subjects (n = 52)

Age (years)

62 (50, 69)

62 (51, 66)

Sex (female/male)

89/23 (3.9:1)

41/11 (3.7:1)

Disease duration (years)

7 (3, 15)


Disease subtype (dcSSc/lcSSc)

26/86 (1:3.3)


ANA positive (n %)

105 (94%)


ACA positive (n %)

39 (35%)


ATA positive (n %)

20 (18%)


ARA positive (n %)

10 (9%)


Lung fibrosis (n %)

37 (33%)


Cineradiography (normal; mild to moderate pathology; aperistalsis) (n = 110)

22; 80; 8


MUST score (0; 1; 2)

94; 15; 3


Prealbumin < 200 mg/l (n %)*

16 (24%)



59 (53%)



47 (42%)



12 (11%)



14 (13%)

  1. Values are expressed as median (interquartile range) if not otherwise stated
  2. dcSSc diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis, lcSSc limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis, ACA anti-centromere antibodies, ATA anti-topoisomerase antibodies, ARA anti-RNA polymerase 3 antibodies, MUST Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool [13]
  3. *Prealbumin analyzed in 68 patients
  4. Data available on 111 patients