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Table 2 Mean concentrations of platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells in whole blood and pure platelet-rich plasma

From: Pure platelet-rich plasma facilitates the repair of damaged cartilage and synovium in a rabbit hemorrhagic arthritis knee model


Platelet concentration (mean ± SD; 95%CI) (× 106/ml)

Leukocyte concentration (mean ± SD; 95%CI) (× 106/ml)

Red blood cell concentration (mean ± SD; 95%CI) (× 109/ml)

Whole blood

199.50 ± 19.22; 179.33–219.67

6.00 ± 0.40; 5.58–6.43

4.48 ± 0.54; 3.91–5.04

Pure platelet-rich plasma

790.25 ± 30.29; 742.04–838.45

0.15 ± 0.03; 0.11–0.19

0.06 ± 0.01; 0.05–0.08


< 0.0001

< 0.0001
