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Table 1 Baseline features of the study cohort (n = 226)

From: Discordance between patient and physician global assessment of disease activity in Behçet’s syndrome: a multicenter study cohort

Males, n (%)

111 (49.1%)

Age at enrolment, median (IQR) years

46.9 (35.6–55.2)

Disease duration, median (IQR) years

11.7 (5.9–20.8)

Comorbidities, n (%)

99 (43.8%)

Active disease manifestations

 Mucocutaneous lesions, n (%)

83 (36.7%)

 Ocular involvement, n (%)

12 (5.3%)

 Arthritis, n (%)

17 (7.5%)

 Major organ involvement, n (%)

20 (8.8%)

Disease activity indices

 PGA, median (IQR) score

1.0 (0.0–3.0)

 PtGA, median (IQR) score

2.0 (0.3–5.0)

 BDCAF, median (IQR) score

3.0 (0.0–5.0)

Irreversible organ damage

 BODI, median (IQR) score

1.0 (0.0–2.0)

HR-QoL (by SF-26)

 PCS, median (IQR) score

46.6 (38.8–54.2)

 MCS, median (IQR) score

44.9 (35.9–54.4)

Current and past therapy

 Colchicine, n (%)

107 (47.3%)

 Glucocorticoids, n (%)

104 (45.6%)

 Immunosuppressants, n (%)

95 (42.0%)

 Biologics, n (%)

49 (21.7%)

  1. IQR interquartile range, BDCAF Behçet’s Disease Current Activity Form, PGA physician global assessment, PtGA patient global assessment of disease activity, BODI Behçet’s syndrome Overall Damage Index, HR-QoL health-related quality of life, PCS physical component summary in the SF-36 questionnaire, MCS mental component summary in the SF-36 questionnaire