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Table 2 Demographic and baseline disease characteristics of the SSc patients

From: Lymphocyte subset abnormalities in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis


Overall (N = 88)

Age, years, mean (SD)

49 (13)

Female, N (%)

66 (75%)

White, N (%)

72 (82%)

Not Hispanic or Latino, N (%)

76 (86%)

Disease duration, years*, mean (SD)

1.59 (0.81)

Disease < 18 months, N (%)

53 (60%)

mRSS, mean (SD)

22.45 (7.65)

FVC% predicted, mean (SD)

85.4 (15.10)

DLCO% predicted, corrected for Hgb, mean (SD)

78.0 (18.24)

Patient global assessment, mean (SD) [theoretical range 0–10]

4.09 (2.38)

HAQ-DI, mean (SD) [theoretical range 0–3]

1.05 (0.71)

Physician global assessment, mean (SD) [theoretical range 0–10]

4.77 (1.67)

Tendon friction rubs, N (%)

32 (36%)

Large joint contractures, N (%)

63 (72%)

Swollen joint count, mean (SD) [theoretical range 0–28]

3.75 (5.70)

Proportion of participants with ≥ 1 swollen joint count, N (%)

42 (48%)

Previous use of immunosuppressives, N (%)

12 (14%)

Use of prednisone, N (%)

12 (14%)

  1. mRSS modified Rodnan skin score, FVC forced vital capacity, DLCO diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide
  2. *Disease onset was defined as the first non-Raynaud’s sign or symptoms