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Table 1 Baseline patient and disease characteristics

From: Inhibition of radiographic progression across levels of composite index-defined disease activity in patients with active psoriatic arthritis treated with intravenous golimumab: results from a phase-3, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial


IV placebo

IV golimumab, 2 mg/kg

All patients

Number of patients




Age (years), mean (SD)

46.7 (12.5)

45.7 (11.3)

46.2 (11.9)

Male, n (%)

121 (50.6)

128 (53.1)

249 (51.9)

White, n (%)

237 (99.2)

241 (100)

478 (99.6)

Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD)

28.9 (6.2)

28.9 (6.4)

28.9 (6.3)

Duration of PsA (years), mean (SD)

5.3 (5.9)

6.2 (6.0)

5.8 (6.0)

Swollen joint count (0–66), mean (SD)

14.1 (8.2)

14.0 (8.4)

14.0 (8.3)

Tender joint count (0–68), mean (SD)

26.1 (14.4)

25.1 (13.8)

25.6 (14.1)

Patient pain VAS (0–10), mean (SD)

6.4 (2.1)

6.3 (2.1)

6.3 (2.1)

Patient global disease activity VAS (0–10), mean (SD)

6.3 (2.1)

6.5 (1.9)

6.4 (2.0)

Physician global disease activity VAS (0–10), mean (SD)

6.4 (1.6)

6.2 (1.7)

6.3 (1.6)

≥ 3% BSA psoriasis skin involvement, n (%)

198 (82.8)

196 (81.3)

394 (82.1)

 PASI score (0–72), mean (SD)1

8.9 (9.0)

11.0 (9.9)

9.9 (9.5)

PASDAS, mean (SD)2

6.7 (1.1)

6.7 (1.1)

6.7 (1.1)

DAPsA, mean (SD)3

72.8 (32.1)

71.8 (34.0)

72.3 (33.0)

CDAI score (0–76), mean (SD)2

34.4 (13.1)

33.3 (12.5)

33.8 (12.8)

HAQ-DI (0–3), mean (SD

1.3 (0.6)

1.3 (0.6)

1.3 (0.6)

C-reactive protein (mg/dL), mean (SD)

2.0 (2.1)

1.9 (2.5)

2.0 (2.3)

Patients with dactylitis, n (%)

124 (51.9)

134 (55.6)

258 (53.8)

 Dactylitis score (1–60)4, mean (SD)

9.9 (10.1)

9.3 (9.4)

9.6 (9.7)

Patients with enthesitis, n (%)

181 (75.7)

185 (76.8)

366 (76.3)

 Leeds Enthesitis Index score (1–6)4, mean (SD)

3.2 (1.6)

3.0 (1.6)

3.1 (1.6)

Total PsA-modified SHS (0–528), mean (SD)

34.5 (53.5)

35.5 (55.2)

35.0 (54.3)

Baseline use of:

 Methotrexate, n (%)

173 (72.4)

163 (67.6)

336 (70.0)

  Mean (SD) dose (mg/week)

14.9 (4.8)

14.8 (4.7)

14.8 (4.7)

 Oral corticosteroids, n (%)

67 (28.0)

66 (27.4)

133 (27.7)

  Mean (SD) dose (mg/day)

7.6 (2.5)

7.4 (2.6)

7.5 (2.6)

  1. 1n = 188, 189, 377
  2. 2n = 227, 232, 459
  3. 3n = 236, 237, 473
  4. 4Among patients with dactylitis/enthesitis at baseline
  5. BSA body surface area, CDAI Clinical Disease Activity Index, DAPsA Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis, IV intravenous, HAQ-DI Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index, PASDAS Psoriatic ArthritiS Disease Activity Score, PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PsA psoriatic arthritis, SD standard deviation, SHS Sharp/van der Heijde score, VAS visual analog scale