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Table 1 Differences in baseline characteristics between psoriasis with and without psoriatic arthritis a

From: The difference of lipid profiles between psoriasis with arthritis and psoriasis without arthritis and sex-specific downregulation of methotrexate on the apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-1 ratio


PsA (n=136)

PsO (n=152)


Male (n=189)

Female (n=99)


Age, mean (SD), y

50.45 (13.12)

42.87 (15.63)


46.79 (14.72)

45.79 (15.46)


Age at disease onset, mean (SD), y

36.00 (16.07)

31.35 (15.83)


35.15 (14.98)

30.50 (17.68)


Disease duration, mean (SD), y

14.51 (10.22)

11.52 (9.89)


11.65 (9.27)

15.39 (11.26)


Height, mean (SD), m

1.67 (0.08)

1.68 (0.08)


1.71 (0.06)

1.60 (0.06)


Weight, mean (SD), kg

70.21 (12.28)

69.04 (13.28)


73.20 (11.43)

62.81 (12.56)



25.01 (3.44)

24.48 (3.62)


24.85 (3.22)

24.49 (4.09)


PASI at baseline

14.04 (8.37)

13.78 (5.47)


14.74 (7.25)

12.29 (6.16)


PASI at 12W

4.58 (4.69)

3.55 (3.52)


4.41 (4.48)

3.31 (3.29)


Mean PASI change from baseline, mean (SD)

63.33 (31.50)

70.82 (28.28)


66.12 (30.27)

69.51 (29.57)


BSA at baseline

26.91 (22.64)

26.22 (17.42)


27.83 (20.08)

24.08 (19.77)


BSA at 12W

9.55 (16.80)

6.75 (12.20)


9.11 (16.28)

6.07 (10.45)


Mean BSA change from baseline, mean (SD)

60.75 (42.16)

71.38 (38.12)


65.11 (37.95)

68.74 (44.72)


Cumulative dose of MTX, mean (SD), mg

138.1 (19.85)

138.4 (20.00)


139.8 (19.36)

135.3 (20.66)



60 (44.1)

41 (27.0)


71 (37.6)

30 (30.3)



28 (20.6)

25 (16.4)


32 (16.9)

21 (21.2)



36 (26.5)

52 (34.2)


86 (45.5)

2 (2.0)


Alcohol consumption

36 (26.5)

44 (28.9)


74 (39.2)

6 (6.1)


Hypercholesterolemia (>5.9 mmol/L)

23 (16.9)

10 (6.6)


14 (7.4)

19 (19.2)


Hypertriglyceridemia (>1.8 mmol/L)

51 (37.5)

42 (27.6)


61 (32.3)

32 (32.3)


Increased LDL (>3.7mmol/L)

28 (20.6)

21 (13.8)


35 (18.5)

14 (14.1)


Hyperlipoproteinemia (a) (>300mg/L)

18 (13.2)

19 (12.5)


21 (11.1)

16 (16.2)




86 (45.5)

50 (50.5)



86 (63.2)

103 (67.8)


  1. Abbreviation: BMI body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared), BSA body surface area, PASI Psoriasis Area Severity Index
  2. aData are presented as number (percentage) of patients unless otherwise indicated
  3. bMann-Whitney test, unpaired t test, or Fisher exact test was used when appropriate. p < .05 is considered to be statistically significant