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Fig. 1 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 1

From: Integrative metabolomics of plasma and PBMCs identifies distinctive metabolic signatures in Behçet’s disease

Fig. 1

Distinctive blood plasma metabolomic profile in BD. A Pathway enrichment analysis showed pathway perturbation in BD compared to HC. The X-axis indicates pathway impact values (from pathway topology analysis), and the Y-axis indicates p-values (from pathway enrichment analysis). The node color is based on its p-value and the node radius is determined based on pathway impact. B Volcano plot for compounds altered in BD compared to that in HC. The p-value is calculated based on the Mann-Whitney test. Red and blue indicate a 1.5-fold increase and decrease, respectively, in BD. ChemRICH analysis of BD compared with HC (C) and DC (D). The node color scale represents the ratio of an increased (red) or decreased (blue) compound. The node size means the total number of metabolites in each cluster

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