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Table 2 Summary of biofunctions of CCLs in OA

From: CC chemokines and receptors in osteoarthritis: new insights and potential targets


Model type

Function summary

Biochemical cascades


In vitro, mice

Increase VCAM-1 expression

Induce MMP-3 secretion

Inhibit proteoglycan synthesis

Increase collagenase and gelatinase activity


In vitro

Decrease the expression of cartilage-specific genes

Increase expression of MMP3, MMP13, ADAMTS-4, and ADAMTS-5


In vitro

Increase expression of MMP-1, iNOS, and IL-6

Increase GAG release


In vitro

Increase CCR3 and CCR5 expression

Increase MMP-3 and MMP-13 expression


In vitro

Increase VEGF secretion


In vitro

Increase b-N-acetylhexosaminidase release

Increase release of MMP-1, MMP-13, PGE2, GAG fragment, and IL-6

Inhibit collagen type II mRNA expression

Stimulate collagen type X mRNA expression


In vitro

Induce ECM loss


In vitro

Increase secretion of CCL2, TNF-a, IL-1β, IL-6, p-p65, and COX2


In vitro

Decrease expression of GAG and collagen type II

Induce expression of MMP1, MMP3, EGR1, and SOD2

Chondrocyte apoptosis and subchondral bone remodeling


In vitro, mice

Promote chondrocyte apoptosis while impeding cellular proliferation


In vitro, mice

Promote osteoclast formation


In vitro

Mediate TNF-α-induced chondrocyte apoptosis

Cellular chemotaxis


In vitro, in vivo, mice

Recruit monocytes to the OA joint

Recruit macrophages to injured DRG

Recruit MSCs to the OA joint

Induce transcriptome changes in MSCs


In vitro, in vivo

Attracted circulating monocytes to the inflamed synovium


In vitro, mice

Increase pre-osteoclast migration in vitro


In vitro

Promote migration and resorption activity of osteoclasts


In vitro

Promote migration and resorption activity of osteoclasts

Recruit MSCs to OA cartilage in rabbit model


In vitro

Inhibit mesenchymal progenitors migration


In vitro

Recruit subchondral mesenchymal progenitors

Recruit MSCs to OA cartilage


In vitro

Inhibit mesenchymal progenitors migration

Pain-related behavior


In vivo, mice

Contribute to knee hyperalgesia

Modulate sensory afferents in the affected DRG


In vitro, mice, rat

Induce inflammatory pain mediators



Associated with pain-related behaviors