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Fig. 3 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 3

From: CD64 as novel molecular imaging marker for the characterization of synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis

Fig. 3

FCGR1A gene expression positively correlates with gene expression of pro-inflammatory factors and S100A9 protein levels. A Significant positive correlations of FCGR1A with IL1B, IL8, TNFA, S100A8, and S100A9 but not with IL6 were observed. B Mean intensity/pixel of S100A9 on cryosection of RA synovium. C Representative pictures of CD64 or D S100A9 vs isotype (scale from red to black) immunofluorescent staining, DRAQ5 (nuclei; scale from blue to black), and merged images (overview and zoomed) from 2 patients. E Significant positive correlations of CD64 with S100A9 (corrected for isotype staining in consecutive section) on IHC and F released S100A8/A9 in conditioned medium. XY graphs are shown with each data point representing the average value of the samples of 1 RA patient (n = 18 for (A), n = 21 for (B, E), and n = 19 for (F), 2–6 synovium pieces/patient). rs = Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, q = FDR adjusted p-value, ***p ≤ 0.001

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