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Fig. 5 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 5

From: CD64 as novel molecular imaging marker for the characterization of synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis

Fig. 5

[111In]In-DTPA-IRDye 800CW anti-CD64 specifically binds to CD64 in vitro and ex vivo. A [111In]In-DTPA-IRDye 800CW anti-CD64 showed higher binding to THP1 cells compared to isotype determined using a γ-counter. The signal was blocked by adding an excess of unlabeled anti-CD64 antibody. B Odyssey (top left, red (high intensity) to blue/black (low intensity)) and autoradiography (top right) images showed binding of labeled CD64-antibody to RA synovium cryosections. Binding of the radiolabeled anti-CD64 antibody largely overlapped binding of unconjugated CD64 antibody used for IHC (bottom). C, D [.111In]In-DTPA-IRDye 800CW anti-CD64 showed higher binding to human RA synovium explants obtained from 3 RA patients compared to a radiolabeled isotype. D An excess of unlabeled antibody decreased the intensity of the anti-CD64 signal detected. E Representative images showing the fluorescent signal at various depths of the synovium explant. Scatter plots depicting mean ± SD are shown, *p ≤ 0.05, ***p ≤ 0.001

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