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Table 2 Outcomes at the last follow-up according to the time when bDMARD was started

From: Influence of the timing of biological treatment initiation on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis long-term outcomes



bDMARD started < 2 years after disease onset

bDMARD started 2–5 years after disease onset

bDMARD started > 5 years after disease onset


Disease activity (n assessed: 225)

 Active (N/%)

91 (40.4)

5 (5.5)

8 (8.8)

78 (85.7)c

< 0.001*

 Remission on medication (N/%)

79 (35.1)c

10 (12.6)

12 (15.1)

57 (72.1)


 Remission off medication (N/%)

54 (24)c

8 (14.8)c

14 (25.9)

32 (59.2)

< 0.001*

JADI-A (n assessed: 158; median (IQR))

1 (0–14.5)

0 (0–1)a

0 (0–1)b

3 (0–28)a,b


JADI-E (n assessed: 158; median (IQR))

0 (0–1)

0 (0–0)a

0 (0–0)

0 (0–2)a


HAQ (n assessed: 283; median (IQR))

0.25 (0–1)

0 (0–0.25)c

0 (0–0.09)b

0.5 (0–1.25)a,b

< 0.001*

SF36 physical component (n assessed: 218; median (IQR))

41.9 (29.9–53.2)

56.2 (44.2–58.6)c


40.2 (32.9–64.4)a,b


 SF36 PF (median (IQR))

67.5 (40–95)

97.5 (82.5–100)

92.5 (70–100)b

55 (30–90)a,b

< 0.001*

 SF36 RP (median (IQR))

93.8 (25–100)

100 (64.1–100)

100 (87.5–100)b

75 (25–100)b


 SF36 BP (median (IQR))

62 (41–84)

73 (38.8–88)

82 (61.3–96)b

52 (41–84)b


 SF36 GH (median (IQR))

47 (32.8–67)

73,5 (50.8–87)c

45 (37–67)

47 (30–67)a


SF36 mental component (n assessed: 217; median (IQR))

48.1 (37.3–65.8)

54.0 (32.9–64.4)

58.4 (43.4–72.1)

47.4 (34.7–66.6)


 SF36 VT (median (IQR))

50 (40–75)

65.6 (50–82.2)

63.8 (55.3–79.7)b

50 (40–69.4)b


 SF36 SF (median (IQR))

87.5 (51–100)

87.5 (71.9–100)

100 (78.1–100)b

75 (50–100)b


 SF36 RE (median (IQR))

100 (64.6–100)

100 (91.7–100)

100 (100–100)

100 (33.3–100)


 SF36 MH (median (IQR))

76 (60–88)

86.5 (77.5–91.3)

75 (61.4–90)

76 (60–88)


Joint surgery ever (n assessed: 361; N/%)

61 (16.9)

0 (0.0)

1 (2.2)

57 (24.1)

< 0.001*

  1. Legend: IQR interquartile range, bDMARD biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, JADI-A Juvenile Arthritis Damage Index – articular, JADI-E Juvenile Arthritis Damage Index – extra-articular, HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire, SF36 Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form, SF36 PC physical component of the Short Form 36, SF36 MC mental component of the Short Form 36, PF physical function, RP role limitations due to physical problems, BP intensity and discomfort caused by pain, GH general health, VT vitality, SF social function, RE role limitations due to emotional problems, MH mental health
  2. aStatistically significant difference between “ < 2Y” and “ > 5Y” at a 5% significance level — Mann–Whitney U test adjusted for multiple comparisons
  3. bStatistically significant difference between “2–5Y” and “ > 5Y” ate a 5% significance level — Mann–Whitney U test adjusted for multiple comparisons
  4. cHigher frequency than expected (Statistically significant at a 5% significance level — Fisher exact test and adjusted residual higher than 1.96)
  5. *Statistically significant difference between “ < 5Y” and “ ≥ 5Y” at a 5% significance level — Mann–Whitney U test