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Fig. 5 | Arthritis Research & Therapy

Fig. 5

From: Age-dependent genetic regulation of osteoarthritis: independent effects of immune system genes

Fig. 5

Multi-omics SMR plot of the locus on human chromosome 6p21.32 demonstrating significant pleiotropic associations between the knee OA GWAS, whole-blood eQTL and whole-blood mQTL datasets. Genetic variants are depicted (x axis) along with their P value (− log10) (y axis). The upper frame presents the knee OA GWAS association data complete with multiple testing-corrected significance thresholds, location of DNAm probes and lead GWAS variant (rs9277552). The second frame displays the eQTL association data for HLA-DPB2, while the third and fourth frames present the mQTL results for the DNAm sites cg15734436 and cg18634516, respectively. Gene positions and direction of transcription are indicated in the lower frame. pMSMR, multiple-testing corrected significance threshold for the mQTL/GWAS SMR analysis; pESMR, multiple testing-corrected significance threshold for the eQTL/GWAS SMR analysis

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