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Table 1 Main clinical and laboratory data of the 73 patients ultimately diagnosed with GCA

From: Usefulness of 18F-FDG PET-CT for assessing large-vessel involvement in patients with suspected giant cell arteritis and negative temporal artery biopsy

Number of patients


Age (mean y ± SD)

76 ± 7

Women/men (ratio)

51 (70%)/22 (30%)

Clinical features


44 (60.2%)

 Temporal artery abnormality or scalp tenderness

26 (35.6%)

 Jaw claudication

10 (13.6%)

 Visual manifestations

15 (20.5%)

 Cerebrovascular accidents

6 (8.2%)

 Systemic symptomsa

60 (82.2%)

 Polymyalgia rheumatica

39 (53.4%)

 Limb claudication

2 (2.7%)

Laboratory data

 ESR (mm/h)

63 ± 27

 CRP (mg/L; ref. value ≤ 5)

66.5 ± 33

 Anemia (≤ 11 g/dl)

46 (63%)

 Platelets (× 103 cells/mm3)

356 ± 121

 Raised ALT/ASTb

4 (5.4%)

 Raised alkaline phosphataseb

20 (27.3%)

  1. Results are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or number of cases with frequencies
  2. aMalaise/anorexia/weight loss/fever
  3. b Increased ALT/AST and alkaline phosphatase were considered if values at diagnosis were ≥ 1.5 times normal